25. Oktober 2012 / CIC unterstützt 6. Rotwildsymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung

The Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung (German Wildlife Foundation) has held
its 6th Red Deer Symposium 19-20 October 2012 near Dresden, Germany.
The topic was the need for larger game management units and
conservancies. The conference, which was supported financially by the
German CIC Delegation, brought together scientists, government
representatives, hunters and other practitioners.

Please read the full article in German:

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
CIC Headquarters
P.O. Box 82
H-2092 Budakeszi
Tel.: +36 23 453 830
Fax:  +36 23 453 832
E-Mail: office@cic-wildlife.org
Web: www.cic-wildlife.org


30.08.2012 / Lebensraum Feldflur gehen online

Die Domain www.lebensraum-feldflur.de ist nun im ersten Schritt umgeleitet auf die Seite www.lebensraum-brache.de.

Torsten Reinwald
Deutscher Jagdschutzverband e.V.
Friedrichstraße 185/186
10117 Berlin
Meldung Projekt Biogas aus Wildpflanzen
Microsoft Word Dokument 99.5 KB

Namensänderung Lebensraum Feldflur / 30.08.2012

Namensänderung Lebensraum Feldflur 30.8.
Microsoft Word Dokument 98.0 KB

July 30, 2012 / Polar bears doing well in Foxe Basin

Polar bears continue to thrive in the Kivalliq with the latest survey
by the Government of Nunavut showing the Foxe Basin population to be

To read the whole article, please visit the CIC website:

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
CIC Headquarters
P.O. Box 82
H-2092 Budakeszi
+36 23 453 830
+36 23 453 832


July 26, 2012 / One of Us - Katharina Schneider / Habsburg Company - Austria

The German hunting magazine PIRSCH runs a series of short interviews
with prominent hunters asking them 7 questions about their hunting

Katharina Schneider is already the third CIC member featured in this
article, after CIC President of Honour,  Dieter Schramm and Madame
Christiane Underberg
, long-standing member of the CIC German

We wish to thank "PIRSCH" magazine for their cooperation.

Please know that the interview is in German:

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation CIC
Headquarters P.O. Box 82
H-2092 Budakeszi
+36 23 453 830
+36 23 453 832


11. Juni 2012: Interview mit Werner Trense - Es gibt zu viele Menschen! 
Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der "Pirsch".

Artikel Werner Trense
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.3 MB

8. Juni 2012: Bernard Lozé, CIC Präsident, spricht beim Bundesjägertag 2012 in Pforzheim

CIC President's speech at the German hunters' day

On the occasion of the German hunters' day (8 June 2012) CIC President, Mr. Bernard Lozé has delivered a speech: "Advocating sustainable hunting worldwide".

To read more, please visit:

Please know that the press release and the text of the speech is in German.


24. April 2012 - Presseerklärung zum Thema Elefantenjagd in Afrika (R. Baldus)

CIC Press Release 

Conservation in Southern Africa Benefits from Trophy Hunting of Elephants 



During recent weeks there have been some misinterpretations in the media surrounding the sustainability of elephant hunting in certain southern African countries. The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) noted these misleading judgements with deep concern. The current conservation status of elephant populations in the region speaks for itself and shows the positive role of sustainable hunting, fully in line with the principles of Convention on Biological Diversity1 (CBD).


Todays’ elephant hunting in southern African countries is sustainable. This has been demonstrated for example through the monitoring of tusks from harvested elephants and population surveys. Legal elephant hunting in the region is also in line with the guidelines and regulations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora2 (CITES).


The Southern African countries can justifiably boast the highest populations of elephants on the whole continent. Botswana alone has witnessed an approximate 4-fold increase in elephant numbers in the last 25 years to around 140,000 - 160,000 today. Together with high elephant densities, especially in the northern parts of the Botswana, there are obvious signs of a loss of biodiversity, such as the destruction of old growth stands of forest (for example Baobab trees). If recent reports on significant decreases in the numbers of other wildlife species, particularly other herbivores such as the antelope species, are correct, it is most probably as a consequence of the habitat change and destruction by elephants. Scientists have also observed widespread elephant range expansion across the international borders of Botswana.


Some experts argue that “tens of thousands” of elephant should be culled in Botswana to reduce the negative ecological and social impacts. It has been stated that the present elephant population dynamics in Botswana can only be “controlled” by a natural catastrophe such as a serious drought or disease outbreak. Although commercial hunting for ivory has caused serious damage to elephant populations all across their natural distribution range in past centuries, recreational safari hunting as practised for decades has never endangered the individual elephant populations. Safari hunting of elephants is strictly regulated within national and international frameworks. However, it is not a suitable instrument for population control.


Hunting tourism provides a means for creating financial incentives for rural communities and at the same time raising their tolerance towards elephants, which are the source of considerable conflicts and damages. However, during recent times there have only been up to 400 elephant hunting licences allocated annually in Botswana. These harvest rates are absolutely sustainable in terms of population dynamics, age and ivory weight of bulls and absolute numbers. The low harvest rates are a result of current trends in the policies of Botswana, with animal welfare organisations pressuring the government to restrict safari hunting. The latest alarming news suggests that most of the hunting, except elephants, will be discontinued.


While quotas for many game species are decreasing in Botswana, the number of elephant hunting licences shows a steady increase, a result of the increasing populations and the number of mature old bulls within these populations. Reasons for the decrease in quotas for other species include both, natural factors such as population dynamics, but can also be attributed to political decisions.


1. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) recognises the sustainable use of natural resources as one of the three pillars in the conservation of biodiversity. (www.cbd.int)


2. “CITES is an international agreement between governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.” (www.cites.org)


3. April 2012 / One of us - A killer is not a hunter - Interview with Bernard Lozé

The German hunting magazine PIRSCH has just published a 4-page
interview with CIC President Bernard Lozé, in which he elaborates,
amongst other issues, on the importance of acknowledging hunting as
part of our cultural heritage - as it has been achieved for falconry.
Surely, this acknowledgement would further safeguard and increase the
status of sustainable use in society.

Please know that the interview is in German:

31. März 2012 - Presseerklärung anlässlich der halbjährlichen Tagung des CIC

CIC Presserklärung
u.a. CIC besorgt über Jagdrecht-Reformpläne in NRW
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 12.5 KB

20. März 2012 / "DIE PIRSCH" - 7 Fragen: One of us - Why are we hunters?

The German hunting magazine PIRSCH runs a series of short interviews
with prominent hunters asking them 7 questions about their hunting
experience, e.g. how they have started their passion and what their
most memorable and beautiful hunting experience was.

Lately, PIRSCH asked these questions from Madame Christiane
Underberg, long-standing member of the CIC German Delegation.
Together with her husband, Emil Underberg, she helped to initiate in
1970 the Fund for Environmental Studies Tyrol/Austria for sustainable
management of natural resources.

We wish to thank "PIRSCH" magazine for allowing us to publish this

7. Febuar 2012

International center for wildlife disease control in Bulgaria with CIC cooperation will be built

International Centre for wildlife disease control will be built in Bulgaria. An agreement was signed recently for the establishment of this center at a ceremony in Pravets. Signatures under the document put the Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Miroslav Naydenov and President of CIC, Bernard Lozé. The event was attended by Director General of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Bernard Vallat.

 To read more, please visit the website of CIC: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=846

4. Februar 2012 / Dortmund




„Wildes Herz von Afrika“ ist Jagdbuch des Jahres in Deutschland. Die Leser der Jagdzeitschrift „Wild und Hund“ gaben dem reich bebilderten Standardwerk über das tansanische Selous-Wildreservat die meisten Stimmen in der Kategorie Sachbuch.

Der langjährige Präsident der CIC-Tropenwildkommission, Dr. Rolf D. Baldus, nahm auf der Messe „Jagd und Hund“ in Dortmund am Samstag, den 4. Februar, den Preis aus den Händen von „Wild und Hund“-Chefredakteur Heiko Hornung entgegen. “Der Preis würdigt eine Teamleistung,“ sagte Baldus, der selbst 13 Jahre im Naturschutz in Tansania und im Selous gearbeitet hat. „Ich danke meinen zwanzig Mitautoren, den Fotografen und dem Maler Bodo Meier und nehme die Auszeichnung auch in ihrem Namen entgegen.“ Vor allem sei er froh, dass auf diese Weise das öffentliche Interesse auf das größte Wildschutzgebiet in Afrika gelenkt werde. Durch Unterfinanzierung, Uranabbau und einen geplanten Staudamm sei der Selous erneut bedroht.

An dem Literaturwettbewerb, der seit 1999 jährlich stattfindet, beteiligten sich diesmal 12 Verlage aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, die 51 Bücher ins Rennen schickten.

  „Wildes Herz von Afrika“ wurde im KOSMOS Verlag veröffentlicht. Eine englische Ausgabe erschien mit dem Titel „Wild Heart of Africa“ bei Rowland Ward in Südafrika. 

Weitere Informationen: http://www.wildlife-baldus.com/selous_buch.html

2. Februar 2012

Hunters Have a Major Role in the Conservation of Wetlands

Dear Members of the CIC,

Hunters Have a Major Role in the Conservation of Wetlands. Hunters are not only users but also eager conservationists of wetlands. From restoration programmes, through the control of predators, to fundraising, hunters role is a key in the conservation of wetlands.
To read more, please visit CIC's website: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=844


20. Januar 2012

Dr. Arto Marjakangas, CIC representative in the AEWA Technical Committee
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Arto Marjakangas will take the position of CIC Representative in the Technical Committee of the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA).
Please visit the CIC website for more information: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=838

6. Januar 2012

Dr. Wolfgang Burhenne awarded
Dear Members, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Burhenne received the „Deutscher Alpenpreis” (German Alpine Award).
Please read the article: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=834
We wish to thank to the "WILD UND HUND" magazine for allowing us to publish this announcement.

4. Januar 2012

Hunting for Children
For quite some time Young Opinion Switzerland has been discussing the organization of an adventure day for kids in order to inform them about nature and the connection to hunting. After this years’ General Assembly Thomas Achermann was in charge of implementing the ideas. After a lot of work, the event took place on September 24th 2011 in Kriens.

 Read the report about the event: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=833