23. Dezember 2011

New Presidential Advisor in CIC
We are pleased to announce that John J. Jackson, III. will take the position of Presidential Advisor from 1 January 2012.
Please visit the CIC website for more information: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=832

21. Dezember 2011

7th Global Youth for Sustainable Use -  Belgium

This autumn, the Young Opinion (YO) members of the Belgian CIC delegation organized the 7th edition of the Global Youth for Sustainable Use (GYSU) meeting, hosting 35 participants from 12 different nationalities. During the intense 4-day event, the youngsters had one common subject in mind: Hunting for Conservation.

Please read the whole report: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=826

20. Dezember 2011

CIC meets European Environment Commissioner and the President of the Republic of Slovenia

On the invitation of the CIC Delegation of Slovenia, CIC President Bernard Lozé and CIC Director General Tamás Marghescu visited the Republic of Slovenia 24-26 November 2011 to meet the President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Danilo Türk,  European Environment Commissioner Dr. Janez Poto?nik and also very importantly, to visit the offices of the Hunters’ Association of Slovenia.

Please read the full report on the CIC website: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=825

2. Dezember 2011

The Republic of Macedonia became State Member of the CIC

Following the recent visit of Tony Vrscaj, President of the CICCoordination Forum for Eastern-Europe and CIC Director General, Tamás Marghescu to Macedonia we are pleased to announce that by declarationsent to CIC President, Bernard Loze the Republic of Macedonia becameState Member of the CIC.

Please visit the CIC website: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/index.php?id=813

Dezember 2011

Interview mit Dr. Rolf D. Baldus: Elfenbeinproben gesucht!
Erschienen in: Jagen Weltweit Dezember 2011
JWW Dez 11 Endversion.docx
Microsoft Word Dokument 15.5 KB

8. November 2011

Wildtiere und kommerzielle Zucht ehemals wild lebender Arten
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 265.6 KB

September 2011

CIC unterstützt das deutsche Bundesamt für Naturschutz bei einem Forschungsprojekt zum Schutz der Elefanten
CIC Pressemitteilung BfN Elfenbein.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 33.0 KB

18. Juli 2011

Rolf D. Baldus und Michael Miersch: Mit Verbots-Naturschutz werden wir Afrikas Tierwelt nicht retten
Erschienen in: Eigentum und Umweltschutz, Steffen Hentrich (Hrsg.), Berlin 2011
Miersch Interview Baldus liberal Verlag.
Microsoft Word Dokument 96.0 KB

Mai 2011

Generalversammlung in St. Petersburg

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 511.1 KB

1. Quartal 2011

CIC Newsletter 2011-1: Origin and Age of African Elephant Ivory
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 296.0 KB